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Category: Bushes and trees

Norway spruce Nidiformis - needles growing in breadth

Spruce Nidiformis (Picea abies Nidiformis) is an ornamental dwarf shrub with an interesting cushion shape. She comes from Germany, where she was bred at the beginning of the 20th century. The herringbone is very unpretentious, but for successful cultivation it is useful to know its features and the rules of agricultural technology. Norway spruce...

Arnold Juniper is a compact evergreen

Columnar Arnold Juniper is one of the most popular plants in the modern landscape. The botanical name is juniperus communis arnold. Frost-resistant culture is suitable for cultivation in all regions of our country. A slender, evergreen tree adorns any composition and makes...

Juniper Meyeri: how to grow in the country

The newly developed Meyeri juniper is one of the most unpretentious plants with beautiful blue needles. This species is native to the mountainous regions of China and other countries of East Asia and has been very popular in landscape design for more than 10 years. Juniper Meyeri: how to grow...

Serbian spruce - variety of varieties and their features

In 1857, Serbian botanist and doctor Josif Pancic discovered and described a rare species of coniferous culture. It was named after him - Panchicheva omorika. Another name for the plant is Serbian spruce. What are the features of her planting, growing and care? How to protect ephedra from diseases and pests, and where is better...

Features of growing Khybernik juniper

One of the best decorative elements in garden landscaping is the Khybernik juniper. The evergreen plant was bred over 200 years ago in Ireland and has become widespread throughout the world. This is one of the most successful developments of breeders, which has become unique...

Inversa spruce in landscape design

Inversa spruce, or Picea abies Inversa, is often grown to decorate home gardens. The appearance of an evergreen plant fits well with landscape design. Invers spruce in landscape design Botanical characteristic of Invers ordinary - a type of weeping spruce, which often...